As teachers, we have many resources for teaching students who are struggling with various concepts, but what do we do for the students who already know what we are teaching? What do we do for those who grasp concepts quickly? It's our obligation to make sure ALL of our students are learning. That's why I have created this share resources to help teachers challenge their advanced learners.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What is StudentCam?
StudentCam is a national video documentary competition sponsored by C-SPAN.  It encourages students in grades 6-12 to think critically about issues that affect our community, state, and nation.

Students are required to create a 5-7 minute documentary about the theme below.

“A Message to the U.S. Congress”
What’s the most important issue the U.S. Congress should consider in 2014?

To learn more about C-SPAN Student Cam, visit:

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